Had been introduced to 'Kundang' about 1 year ago. Never knew of its existance before. Does this mean the fruit is exotic simply b'coz I'd never heard of it before? Extinct may be?
Since we are regular visitors of Gamin, we got very familiar to the huge trunk of Kundang tree (mighty, shady, comforting tree - aged almost 100 years I guess) just outside the kitchen. It's one of the best Kundang breed bearing just the right combination of sweet & sour Kundang.
There are 3 ways that I know as to how to indulge the fruit.
1. Sambal gesek with Kundang muda
2. Dip them with Mak Bee sauce (the one which is hot & sugary) - muda / masak tak kisah
3. Make pickles - of course with Kundang muda
So this time it bear some fruits & I thought since there are too many why not I make pickles out of them, although I'm not a pickles' fan. Never made any pickles before but just hoping anyone, just anyone would eat my pickles. Bak kata orang 'asal tau sudah'. Klu mls nk buat lepas ni takpe tp 'pernah' juga buat pickles kan...
1. Cut the fruits into halves, so you'll see the purple seed inside.

Eh, biar betul color purple... perhaps this is where purple crayons come from?
2. Korek itu purple kasi buat crayon.
3. Soak the fruits with warm water mixed dgn sedikit kapur or is it calcium carbonate? May be for 30 mins? Belasah lah.
4. Change the water, put a few spoonful of salt. Ini pon belasah. But to be on the safe side, put a bit more. Let it soak for 2 or 3 nights.
5. Drain the water. Put the fruits into an airtight jar. Drown them with sugar. Kasi taruk saja, the sugar will melt by itself. Ikut sesedap rasa. No need to add water coz it'll come out of the fruit the next day or so.
Peminat2 asam / perempuan mengidam pasti sukakannya..
Selamat mencuba ...
Next time must show you the gigantic tree. I guess I can claim that it's my favourite tree.