Friday, June 12, 2009

Projek Kacang

Ini adalah projek mencari duit raya... kacang, kurang asam & gula2 for 50 cent per packet. Started a few months back and after 3 months of operation, I ceased the operation for a while. Rsnye orang da jemu makan kacang hari-hari. After raya la plak... Insyaallah kalau ade kudrat.

The moral I got from selling kacang is that doing business is not easy especially for someone 'berat mulut' like me. The interest is there but perhaps lacking of talent a little here and there but still boleh la nk hidup.

Sometimes we thought that people doing business is really making money. Actually, not all of them are privileged like that. Many do it not because the money is good, but they are used to selling things and it's the only job they know or qualified for.

Tapi... Rasullullah S.A.W pernah bersabda '90% dr rezeki adalah dari berniaga'. For instance, my bujang-bujang neighbours. They sell their stuffs sampai travel from one state to another. Memang masyuk derang nih sampaikan banyak kereta-kereta mewah bersidai in front of my house sampai nak parking kat rumah sendiri pon susah!! And not for long, dah tukar kereta lain pulak...

Ok.. sape nk kawen dgn laki kaya.. datang ngorat abg-abg/adik-adik sebelah rumah I ok...


+ A|Z|R|i|N + said...

nak! nak jugak ngorat derang........

Ana said...

Aiks... MUSti nk letak mane? Hiks...

Emmelly Hanafi said...

huhu..alemak nasi dah jadi bubuq la..huhu...den n ekau dah terlombek...

Ana said...

Wakakaka... jgn ckp gitu... ade mata2 yg baca kang... tskkkkk

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