Think that you have a chronic dandruff problem to the extent that it snows right under your collar?
We went to this very well known haircare centre which promised free consultation, free hair scanning & free herbal treatment for first trial.
The consultant told that other half has 3 strands of hair per pore due to his genetic. Some people have 5. We tried to scan mine ourselves to see how many strands I've got but couldn't get anything out of it but looking at the thickness, I believe I have 5. It would be nice if we remembered to snap on the scan result. :(
If you want to know more, go register yourself.. ;) I tell you, it's interesting to hear all the hair analysis theory if you can bear the 3 hours of ear bashing! + the upclose image of your hair & scalp of course.
To make the story short, the consultant insisted that other half had got very chronic dryness and dandruff problem and is turning BALD bla bla... & we had to sign up to the service. Ok, being such a cheap skate we estimated that we would take it up if the package priced around RM300.
Jeng Jeng Jeng.... the package presented to us was RM6k++ and it was reduced to RM3k++ then RM2k++, RM1k++ and lastly RM600++ for only buying 1 set of their products. OUCH!!! Bern told other half about the price but we naively held our hope that for us it couldn't reach that much.
We didn't doubt the effectiveness of their product. But for people like us, we thought it's very very very very very very very much overpriced to treat one's dandruff problem. I also do not like the fact that they would happily accept credit card and told us that we can pay it off using zero interest installment i.e. about RM200-RM300 per month for 2 years!!. Further they told that if we can easily spend RM100 going to the mall why not ONLY RM200/RM300 per month for our own hair?
Persuasion ALMOST working but not quite... (might totally worked if we went there alone). Try the guilty game. "Haiyaa.. you want to see your partner go bald mah?" or the hidden meaning "You so kedekut you prefer your partner go bald than spend money". That's it. Pushed us too far... it then became a definate No-No.
As for the conclusion we thought we would try the traditional method. Massage Coconut oil (cooked the santan until it produces oil and add whatever that can make it smells nice) + lemon juice / lime juice to the scalp before shampoo. Hopefully we can be persistant.. Tssskkkk Poyo.

After using Nizoral for a few years, it is no longer as effective as it used to be... I'm thinking of trying the 'baby shampoo'.

MIL also suggested fish oil as supplement.
So... will try these 3 methods.
adoila...boleh jalan ke fish oil n baby shampoo..dia sonang jek..jgn la buat apa2 chemical kt rambut cam rebonding, color..lagi sonang pakai tudung..huhu..botak pon org x nampak...kekeke
Wakaka ... masalahnyekan... orang yang masalah tu tak bukan la orang yang wat rebonding ni ha... ;)
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