Are you the type of person who always have to make your bed? If you don't then will you feel dishevelled especially in the head?
I always have to make my bed when I was in the boarding school. I loathe that especially when the sheet was not a fitted one. But I've nothing against those who thrive on it. It's a good habit to make your bed but I don't like it. It doesn't bring me any satisfaction at all. To me it's just pillows and comforter on the bed, nothing else so why bother.
But.. not making our bed doesn't mean that I don't care about the cleanliness and orderliness of our room. Which includes folding our laundry and pile them up neatly in the wardrobe, clearing up the dressing table, side tables, and stuffs scattering on the carpets and getting rid of the dusts and my hairs which is everywhere. Perhaps it includes ironing his office attires for 2 weeks stock. Today is the day that I have to clean our room. He said he''ll do his own ironing this week. I should let him right? Right... good.
Honestly which bed looks more tempting.. seducing.. inviting.. ??

I know my cats' answers to that!!

1st: a bit boring (tak sanggup nak comotkan)
2nd: kombinasi warna yg cantik. i pilih 2nd la :)
I love 2nd one too! Cozy, snuggle snuggle.. :)
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