Where is this place? Guess if you can.. ;) Just a commercial
Bought this kekabu a few months back. Bought the cloth only last week.
Handsewn these mini pillows for WTA.. This poor old girl have got no sewing machine. :(
Next target are the pillow covers. Not sure if I can handsew them. Wait & see..
Learnt how to bake choc cake from mom. This is the result. She doesn't fully trust me yet. I guess we'll have to go for a few more rounds before she can.
why do i just interested in the chocolate cake jek? hahaha. good2 berkejar keras nak jahit tangan. giler ahh.
Ala jahit straight aje. Tp kuno btol. Org miskin..
hahaha.. klakar la.. x pe skang kan dah ade mesin jahit :)
ala...buat kek cekelat x bitau...dah den mengidam dekat sbulan kek itam legam x jumpe...sian baby...
Haha... ko kan x nk mkn mende2 yg itam legam... tkt anak ko ngikut. Lain la klu wat kek butter... Huhu
so kreatif la. btw, how much rega kekabu tu?
owh..gambar no-2 sungguh yummy. lapar laks :)
Miss Nina: Rege kekabu tu dalam RM15 sebungkus kot. Klu wat bantal besaw dlm 1 1/2 leh wat. Klu bantal kecik 3 1/2 kot. Beli ms lalu kuala selangor.
Johnlabu: Hi..
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