Sudah telan sepaket Zentel lepas makan paratha tadi. Rasa mcm ada cacinglah... Dear, I bought one for you too. Kena paksa makan malam ni. Suka kan..
Ok, now I want to urge all my friends & sedara mara to participate in this contest. Modalnya cuma min RM10 guardian receipt. Mana tau lucky kan.. Ada macam-macam hadiah menarik... Klu borang kat guardian dah habis, boleh print kat SINI. Contest ni senang, tak payah slogan cuma tick a product that you felt is the best amongst its category.
Juga nk promote an event organized by Guardian. You can buy the tickets from the Guardian outlet at KL Central. Guardian lain tak tau la ade ke tak.
Care for Your Heart With Blackmores (Public Forum)
Date: May 15th 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Boulevard Hotel (Mid Valley)
Ticket: RM10 (redeemable against products) Door gifts worth RM50 for all participants. Ini paling suka!! Mana tau dapat T-shirt macam kat fliers tu kan...
Time: 1.30pm - 4.15pm.
Agenda: Talks about heart health & ada tea break.. makan free kot. Haha... agenda makan free paling excited.
Since when do I become Guardian Ambassador? ERRKKKK..
i like hot and roll too
cam sedap jek hot & roll tuh...x penah story pn? bape hengget?
nape nk kene makan zentel?
mmg sedap. bermula dari RM3.90 (promosi siot) kat kl central ade.
Rs cam cacing da berkampung di celah-celah gunung
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