We went back to Gamin again. One of the neighbours held a 'kenduri kesyukuran'.
After the 'kenduri' we went to rest at Uwan's house. So... there we found some wild mushrooms.

My side of family are not so much of mushroom lovers but being married to my other half, I'm introduced to quite a number of new edible stuffs or new recipes. Ain't I lucky? So there we were, plucking the mushrooms. Hubby had to run pipe water to soak the soil before we can pluck the mushrooms out. The 'pantang larang' is that we should never dig the mushroom out using any kind of metal or else the mushroom would never grow on the soil again.
US... in action...

Catch of the day...
MIL made 'gulai lemak' to go with the mushroom. Yummy... But as usual, we forget to snap the photo. Since my mother had never cooked any mushroom and I'm not an expert in using the 'santan' either. So... when I brought the cendawan back to Taman Melati, I decided I surf the web to find a simple recipe for it. I'm not exactly a good cook. The only reason I cook is that my mom is working late for these few weeks, my regular routines are usually limited to just chopping the onions, preparing the table and washing the dishes. Which is equally tiring!
Then... I found a recipe for 'Sup Cendawan Daun Kunyit'. This is how it looked like yesterday.

The ingredients for Sup Cendawan Daun Kunyit are:
1. Spring Onion - chopped
2. Garlic - chopped
3. Chilies - chopped
4. Anchovies
5. Daun Kunyit - saute with 1,2,3,4
6. Mushrooms - add after the soup boil and leave for 2 mins
7. Some water for the soup
Duh.... pretty simple huh? I LURVE SIMPLE... mcm iklan Digi pulak..
A proper yet another simple dish to go with this Mushroom soup is omelette. So again, I search for a new omelette recipe. Just to try a different style of making the omelette. My dad always mentioned about how no one can ever make as nice an omelette as my grandma. So... I thought this might be IT. It's an Indonesian recipe which is called 'Telur Dadar Pedes'.

The ingredients for Telur Dadar Pedes are:
1. 3 eggs - beaten
2. Spring Onion - chopped
3. Chilies - grind
4. 3 small onions - grind
5. 1 garlic - grind
6. 1 1/2 spoon flour
7. 2 table spoon of water.
These 2 recipes are not exactly something to be 'WOW' about. Nothing compared to MIL gulai lemak. But edible... and can be used if you are desperate like me. Hehe... So, if you have any ideas on how to improvise on it, your comments are very much welcomed. :)