Bragging is what I'm doing this instance...
Aren't you jealous? Look at how cheap I bought these books. Pls Grab Your Calculator NOWWW... It's second hand no doubt but if you go to MPH or Borders or Kinokuniya, you'll sure have to spend hundreds to get yourself 8 good books. ;0

I bought these books at ebay Malaysia from one seller only. If you are planning to buy a few books, it is advisable that you buy it from the same seller so that you can save on the postage charges. I checked on the reviews of each of the books at before committing myself to bidding.
Princess and The Daughters of Arabia starting price is RM3.50 for both (crazy or what?!!) but in the end they were sold to me at RM23.25. There was another bidder and we kinda compete with each other 5 minutes before the bidding ended. Fortunately I won by merely 5 seconds. We bidded 40 bids altogether. Hehe...
I also lose in one bidding i.e. for The Curious Incident of The Dog, also a phenomenal book. I lose this one by merely 2 seconds. Ekekeke... Nvm... we can't have all the good things can we?

I hope you'll find this entry useful for yourself too!! ;-)
1 comment:
giler byk beli buku! ingt kan skit2 je. tak tau plak beli smpai gini byk! tp..ok la! murah la
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