I hope this story is not 'basi' since we went to A Famosa from end of Dec 08 to early Jan 09. I can say we had fun since we were free from work & xde ape nk risau tp nk kata we had too much fun there is an overstatement. Tpkan... wa ckp sama lu, seronok la jln rapat2 berpegangan tgn dan mcm2 aksi lg la without even a pinch of guilt. Jd ape lg... yg masih berkire2 tu... cepat2 la ikat.
Ms mule2 kenal... I don't see my hubby as handsome (taste mase tu lah... suke lelaki yg gelap & mata besar, bulu mate lentik sumer cam ala2 mamak). But as time passed by, kejap I rs hubby I encem, kejap rs die cute la comey la... mcm2 lg. Tp xde la overhypnotized cam citer Shallow Hal tu.

Bile msk cowboy town ni, the only free thing is the carnival show. For each of the games & also 4D movie you'd have to fork out somemore money. X syiok la... da la kene byr utk entry pass. It's not like it's only RM10. I think around RM38 per person. Well, may be it is reasonable to charge some more, but still... rs x syiok lahhh.
Ni la... gamba2 bunga api yg kitorg dpt snap that day. Tgk bunga api ni leh menimbulkan perasaan tenang & kagum...
Hubby... feeding the camel at Animal Safari. Camel ni mmg manje sgt... Terigt pula kate2 ade sorang kenalan dr UAE, Noaman Al Ali. "Camel ni binatang yg 'passionate', penyayang. Cth klu seekor ibu unta mmg sgt syg dgn anaknya". Tp tuhan lebih menyayangi beliau. Memang x sangka dgn usia semuda itu. I hope by remembering that "death will come any time", I'll be more optimistic & cheerful about life, every single precious day.
Other snaps:
1. Pak belang yg comel sedang tido di atas truck.
2. Memerang ni asik panggil2 org, bunyi cam nangis... & tarik perhatian mcm mintak tlg & simpati... cian...
3. Teddy bear
4. Species of dears and camels. Ade x nampak cam kat oasis...
5. 'Madagascar' Actors
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